Moriz Menzinger, detail from View of Vaduz from the Old Path to the Castle
© LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vaduz–Vienna

Moriz Menzinger, detail from View of Vaduz from the Old Path to the Castle
© LIECHTENSTEIN. The Princely Collections, Vaduz–Vienna
years of managing the LGT Endowment
invested in alternative asset classes
USD 4bn
invested for the Princely Family and LGT employees
Institutional clients choose LGT Capital Partners because they value our experience and expertise in alternative investments. As a principal investor, we invest in all asset classes, including private markets, and have been managing the LGT Endowment for our owner, the Princely Family of Liechtenstein, for 26 years. The proven philosophy behind the Endowment strategy is central to the way we manage assets across the firm.
Our history
LGT Capital Partners is a privately-owned global multi-alternatives firm, serving institutional clients around the world who are primarily invested in alternative asset classes and multi-asset products.
Our firm dates back to 1998, when the Princely Family of Liechtenstein established LGT Capital Partners with a clear objective: to deliver equity-like returns and capture significant market upside, while being cushioned on the downside – ideally in the range of 2/3 to 1/3, similar to the approach taken by university endowment funds in the US. Based on this fundamental idea, we developed a long-term and, above all, pioneering investment strategy consisting of at least 50% alternative investments.
The LGT Endowment has become one of the largest funds of its kind in Europe. Its investment universe is unconstrained and encompasses a wide range of attractive global opportunities.
As a principal investor, we have a long-term investment horizon and invest in our own strategies alongside our clients, resulting in the close alignment of our interests. When exploring new emerging asset classes or strategies, we first invest our own capital and open them up to investors only once they have been tried and tested.
Four pillars of our investment philosophy
- Focus on skill-based investing – We select strategies and managers with the ability to consistently generate excess returns based on an individual research-based investment process.
- Active management and partnerships – As an active investor, we engage with the managers and companies that we invest in based on a partnership mindset. With our long experience, we can access high-quality managers in hard-to-reach segments or regions.
- Forward-looking asset allocation – We take a forward-looking approach that considers different scenarios and outcomes in the global economy and financial markets in order to create a resilient portfolio today and for the future.
- ESG integration – Our robust ESG framework spans all stages of the investment process since we believe that integrating ESG factors is vital to identify potential opportunities and risks when investing.