Publishing information
LGT Capital Partners (Ireland) Limited
Third Floor
30, Herbert Street
D02 W329, Dublin 2
Head Office: Dublin, Ireland
VAT number: IE 6416995A
LGT Capital Partners (Ireland)
NL Branch
Prinses Margrietplantsoen 33
WTC Business Center 4th fl. E-Tower
2595AM 's- Gravenhage, The Hague
Supervisory authority
Central Bank of Ireland
New Wapping Street
North Wall Quay
Dublin 1 D01 F7X3
Information required by the Liechtenstein Media Law
LGT Capital Partners (Ireland) Limited
Third floor
30, Herbert Street
Dublin 2
General Management
- Tobin, Desmond (CEO)
- Goonan, Brian (General Manager)
Board of Directors
- Desmond Tobin
- Brian Goonan
- Werner von Baum
- Hans Markvoort
- Gerald Brady
- Goonan, Brian (Alternate Director)
- Sheedy, Frank (Alternate Director)
Sole shareholder of the media owner
LGT Group Foundation
Liechtenstein Public Register number FL-0002.037.804-7 (1080/92), Herrengasse 12, 9490 Vaduz
Board of Trustees
- H.S.H. Prince Maximilian von und zu Liechtenstein (Chairman)
- Meyer, Prof Dr. Conrad
- Fawcett, Karen
- Piske, Thomas
- Jordy, Mark Douglas
- Nussbaum, Dr Peter Michael
Primary subject matter
LGT Capital Partners (Ireland) Ltd. was established on 28 January 2005 under the Companies Act 2014 with registration number 396995. The Company was authorised on 1 November 2007 by the Central Bank as an Investment Firm and deemed authorised under MIFID to provide portfolio management services and then subsequently to provide investment advice. On 19 June 2014, the Company was authorised as a UCITS Management Company pursuant to the Irish UCITS Regulations and as an AIFM pursuant to AIFMD, to manage UCITS and AIFs, respectively and to provide certain portfolio management services and investment advisory services under MiFID. In June 2023, the Company’s branch in the Netherlands commenced operations.